Developing projects for NLHF funding
Claire Adler can:
Project manage National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) bids from first inception to delivery phase.
Research and write Round 1 and Round 2 Activity Plans for NLHF funding.
Undertake Options Appraisals.
Research and consult current and potential audiences.
Consult with organisations and individuals about how museums, heritage sites and cultural organisations can meet their needs.
Write reports with sensible recommendations about how museums, heritage sites and cultural organisations can work with the audience in the future, that can be used internally or as part of a funding application.
Develop and deliver projects with the new audiences as a direct result of the consultation process.
Please also see my blog post: Developing a successful Heritage Fund bid
Claire Adler has:
Worked on more than sixty NLHF funded projects.
Has worked for NLHF and directly for organisations on projects that have received over £150,000,000 from the NLHF.
Recent Work:
Working with Anna Salaman we researched and delivered the Round 1 Activity and Interpretation Plans for funding from National Lottery Heritage Fund and subsequently the Round 2 Activity Plan that fed into the Interpretation Plan.
The plans are a focal strategy for how the project will be delivered in the future with music as the key interpetation tool for delivering the heritage stories.
Former Royal High School/ National Centre for Music, Edinburgh
Wicksteed Park
With Anna Salaman, we developed and delivered a consultation programme resulting in an Audience Development Plan, to support the fundraising strategy for the long term sustainability of Wicksteed Park
Working as part of Julia Holberry Associates to research and understand what the local and regional communities would like to see at Highgate Cemetery. Resulting in an Activity Plan and Interpretation Plan that will be used as part of their Round 1 NLHF funding application.
Highgate Cemetery Expression of Interest and Round 1 NLHF bid
St John’s Chatham
St John’s is a church that has a vision to be a community hub, particularly for people facing multiple barriers to engagement. As part of Julia Holberry Associates, I researched and wrote the NLHF Activity Plan to enable them to deliver their vision for the future.
Researched and wrote the Round 1 NLHF bid for the redevelopment of Ipswich Museum as part of Julia Holberry Associates, including the draft Activity Plan, Interpretation Plan and application form. As a result of this work we were reappointed to research and write the Round 2 NLHF Activity Plan to redevelop the whole museum to become an asset that is valued by their local community.
Ipswich Museum redevelopment
Undertook a community consultation programme to develop an Options Appraisal for the Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre as part of Simon Innes Associates. The appraisal covered the architecture, interpretation and community engagement and learning opportunities for the future of the museum. As a result of this piece of work we were commissioned to undertake a similar piece of work for Time Trap and the Town Hall in Grimsby. Both Options Appraisals are being used to develop the museums for the future and to help in the regeneration of Grimsby.
Options Appraisals for Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre and Time Trap
Researched and wrote the NLHF Activity Plan for Norfolk Museums Service’s Kick the Dust Application with Anna Salaman. This £750,000 project delivered a five year strategy for how Norfolk Museums Service targeted and engaged 14 to 24 year olds through a three staged process. The Activity Plan particularly focussed on working with young people facing multiple barriers. As a result of this work Anna and I were appointed the Institutional Change Evaluators for the project where we assessed how the museum was changing against a set of Institutional Change Outcomes and Sustainability Outcomes that were established when we developed the Activity Plan. From this work we have developed a toolkit for how other museums can embrace working with and embedding young people.
NLHF Activity Plan for Norfolk Museums Service’s Kick the Dust
Internal Project Manager for the development of the Huguenot Museum. Managing all elements of the Stage 2 NLHF bid, including appointing and managing consultants to develop the Activity Plan, Design Plans and Architect Designs. Writing the Business Plan. Liaising with NLHF and the French Hospital governing body.
Huguenot Museum
Researching and writing an NLHF Activity Plan for Clare Castle Country Park as part of Julia Holberry Associates. Clare Castle Country Park is owned and run by the local community and the Activity Plan had to respond to the local communities’ expectations and capacities.
Clare Castle Country Park
National Trust’s Wimpole Hall and Farm
Researching and writing the Community and Volunteer Engagement Plan for the National Trust’s Wimpole Hall and Farm, to feed into a Round 1 NLHF bid about telling the story of organic farming to urban and rural communities.
Headway Cambridgeshire
Working with Headway Cambridgeshire, the brain injury association, to develop and deliver two NLHF projects about the history of how people with head injuries are treated.
Marble Hill House
and Park
Researched and wrote draft Activity Plan for Marble Hill House and Park, English Heritage for their Round 1 and Round 2 Parks for People NLHF bid. An Activity Plan that needed to engage the wider local community in Twickenham.