Managing heritage, museum
and community
based projects

Claire Adler can:

  • Create and manage community projects that are successfully targeted at existing and new audiences, such as young people, migrant workers, refugees and adults with severe physical and/ or learning disabilities.

  • Manage community projects from inception to final report.

  • Deliver community projects that actively consult with the potential users.

  • Deliver projects that enable the host organisations to understand how to create successful community based projects in the future.

  • Create successful projects that are partnerships with other museums, local businesses, agencies and organisations.

  • Deliver meaningful projects that meet Local Area Agreements, Generic Social and Learning Outcomes and other local, regional and project based targets

Recent Work:

Clients from Headway Cambridgeshire commissioned me to assist in developing, fundraising and delivering the project including managing the community interpretation of the research.  The project culminated in illustration students from Anglia Ruskin University creating bus posters inspired by the research; secondary schools students developing a performance, an award winning radio programme on the local community radio station, a film and a publication.

Impact! Brain Injuries and World War I

Making Headway

Working with clients from Headway Cambridgeshire, the brain injury association, to help staff understand what is needed in a wider community engagement project and working with clients to understand storytelling techniques.

The Great War: Stories from Our Neighbourhood

As a volunteer project manager for the Friends of my local library to create a three year project and changing exhibition about World War I in our local area.

As a volunteer I have delivered Skip Days, Apple Days, AntiUniversity events, a Fun Palace, a Share Fair for my local community as Chair of Queen Edith’s Community Forumand as a trustee of the Friends of Rock Road Library.  In addition I have developed ongoing relationships with Cambridge Science Centre and The Junction to deliver events in Queen Ediths.  

Rock Road Library and Queen Edith Community Forum Trustee

Inside Out

Developed and delivered project and film about countryside management with Young People Looked After for Norwich Castle.

Developed projects and exhibitions at Norwich Castle with adults with severe learning and/ or physical disabilities who are also not in education employment or training (NEET).  The projects were informed and led by the adults we were working with and resulted in artistic responses to a variety of themes.

Norwich Castle

Fitzwilliam Museum

Developed and delivered project with teenage mothers on issues of identity based on the fine art collections at the Fitzwilliam Museum.

Renaissance East Midlands and Lincolnshire County Council

Worked with Renaissance East Midlands and Lincolnshire County Council to deliver two projects to encourage cross-cultural understanding between migrant workers and local people.

Hackney Museum

Projects and exhibitions of resulting photographs with teenage boys and ESOL groups at Hackney Museum.