Claire Adler can:

Develop and deliver engaging presentations, workshops and key note speeches on aspects of my work or in response to research undertaken as part of my work.

  • Deliver presentations and workshops to museums, agencies and relevant organisations on any aspect of my work, particularly developing and delivering successful projects with new audiences and writing successful NLHF Activity Plans.

  • Train volunteers and staff to deliver consultations, run focus groups and research and write Activity Plans.

  • Develop conferences on specific issues, and work with all the speakers to ensure their talks are appropriate.

  • Research issues and present back findings through reports and discussion groups.

Recent Work:

All training outlined below can be adapted to meet your organisation’s needs or training can be developed to meet your specific needs.

  • I have delivered training on researching and writing a National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) Activity Plan that has been delivered to a number of organisations including Group for Education in Museums, National Maritime Museum, South London Gallery, St Leonard’s Church Flamstead and many more!

  • I delivered the key note speech at Norfolk Museums Service ‘Done and Dusted’ conference where I presented our research into how the museums have  changed as a result of a five year programme to embed young people across the organisation.

  • I have delivered training for Group for Education in Museums (GEM) on community engagement, community partnerships and responding to briefs.

  • I have delivered training on an introduction to decolonising your museum to Norfolk Museums Service, Ipswich Museum and as part of SHARE East conference.

  • I developed and delivered a whole day workshop on ‘Knowing and growing your audiences to achieve NNLHF funding’ for the Association of Pall Mall Libraries.

  • For Colchester and Ipswich Museums I have delivered a whole day workshop on ‘Running successful and meaningful Focus Groups’.

  • As part of my work with St Leonard’s Church I have delivered training to a group of volunteers on ‘How to deliver successful and meaningful consultation’.

  • Delivering training and mentoring for SHARE East on co-creating Community Cabinets for a cross-section of volunteer, local authority and independent museums.

  • Organised and delivered conference for museum professionals and ESOL providers on ‘Engaging Migrant Workers through Museums’

  • Delivered a number of talks for Museums Association, Group for Education in Museums, MLAs and local museums on various aspects of my work.

Please contact me if you would like one of these workshops or you have another idea that you think I can help with.